Saturday, May 1, 2010

Choo-Choooooo!!! Blog Train Stops Here!

Welcome to the next stop on the ScrapMatters iNSD Blog Train! Can you believe what a gorgeous train this has been?! You probably arrived here from Natasha's (bcnatty) site. We are celebrating Moments That Matter on our blog train and you've probably read lots of great "Moments" stories by now. I'll keep mine simple. :) Everyday with my kids there are tons of moments for me. My son has his 5th birthday party today and my daughter has her 7th birthday party tomorrow. Here's the photo that started it DD on her birth day:

Awww!!! So sweet! Well, on to your freebie. I put together a decorated wedding cake for you. I know that's a big moment for a lot of you. Here ya go!

Be sure to head on over to ScrapMatters to get your iNSD goodies at 40% off. Moments That Matter is free with every $20 purchase! On to your next stop on the train. You are heading to LuAnn's site for another freebie. Have a great iNSD weekend!